SEE One Look and see. Two Open your mind's eye t o s e e . Three Pay attention to see. I love "Search and Find" puzzles. I especially like the " traditional " puzzle books where you have to actually circle the words you find. This "traditional" method might seem boring, slow and methodical compared to all the new high-tech online "Search and Find" game Apps, yet I find it helps me appreciate how I see in a meaningful way. For example, I was getting frustrated when it was taking too long to see a word I knew was in a puzzle (it had to be). As it turns out I had not looked at the word correctly and therefore could not see (and would never find it) in that puzzle. I was reminded again of how paying attention, really does help see things you might otherwise not see. kappa puzzles The physical eye is an immeasurable asset for living an independent life with a feeling of freedom. Our sight is pr...
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One Love from the inside out. Two Center your mind, body, and spirit from the inside out. Three Joy springs from the inside out. inner E verything we need to learn, to do, to be to "Live Your Best Life Now" comes from the inner side of self. We see the head first and know the brain does all the thinking, as well as most of the talking. Indeed, the head can talk a good game and rarely stops except in our sleep (and then we may consider the talk of dream). In fact, it is the brain that does such a great job of keeping us alive, well and out of trouble from day to day. However, the head is the surface. The heart is the inner side of self where love begins, lives, and glows. The inner side is our emotions, desires and deeper consciousness. The heart is the inner side of self and Truth at its most authentic. Everything you need to learn, to do, to be to "Live Your Best Life Now"...
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TRAVEL flying One Travel answers questions. Two Travel moves the mind. Three Travel will change you. There’s nothing like travel. For someone else that sentence might read, “There’s nothing like skydiving, or farming or delivering babies into the world.” It may be the work we do, our hobby or a talent shared that gives pleasure we may find hard to explain to others. Nevertheless, when we share about “it” people feel that excitement, the love and joy that spring. In my case travel isn’t simply about picking a destination and going there (although that can also happen). As a naturally inquisitive child who asked questions, who grew up to be an unapologetically curious adult, I found a safe place to explore in travel. Moreover, when I was old enough to travel on my own, further away from home than I’d ever been, it moved my mind in all the ways I hadn't imagined. Travel moved my consciousness in a way that let me know - for sure - it was not only okay to be inquisit...
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SURRENDER O ne Surrender isn't submission. Two Surrender doesn't mean defeat. Three Surrender is a path to peace. sky I'm not one for watching war movies, however I have seen some meaningful movies about war, or more appropriately lessons learned from war. Among those movies lessons about surrender are very poignant. Keeping in mind "creative license" these movies target depictions of senseless killing, the inhumanity and overall devastation of war. Paradoxically, from this angle, a war movie effectively presents a case for surrender because there are times when surrender is the path to peace. In many religious, spiritual and even therapeutic practices "surrender" is also called "letting go" in order to end suffering, restore balance and/or heal. Suffice to say, many people don't want to "let go" because they feel or fear it means defeat. On the contrary, science, spiritual practices and the history of war has proven that oft...
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PROSPERITY One Money is good; prosperity is better Two Begins with gratitude Three Improves with appreciation green In the midst of a “deep philosophical discussion” a friend blurted out “Not everyone loves money” in frustration. The room got quiet. The person had just blurted out a statement contrary to the point they had been trying to make all evening. Moreover, everyone knew it was contrary to the friend’s very strong beliefs about money. Finally, I think the room went quiet because people thought the statement was not true, desperate and well...desperately untrue. Recognizing the frustration of one who hates to lose a debate, I agreed that “Not everyone loves money, however, many - in fact - most people want money” as means of prosperity. In addition, I conceded that although money is good, exactly because it does give you the power to buy, acquire and do things, prosperity is better because everyone has equal access and opportunity to thei...
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REACH One Reach! It's good exercise. Two Reach out; extend yourself to and for others. Three Reach up into higher consciousness. I was looking at all the high reaching, architectural design in the city I live, and thought of the "stories" these sky-high creations speak. The thought triggered a trip down memory lane, a long trip (smile). I recalled being in a high school class and the teacher asking us to write about "the stories'' America's big building tell about the city, culture/community or the country. I enjoyed that assignment because we got to write (creatively) and because (I understood) it was a creative way to encourage students to write. Many years later, I'm inspired by that high school writing exercise (and I still remember that favorite teacher). Today as I look up at those tall, architectural outlines in the sky, the "stories" I read reach a higher level. I read the stories of skyscrapers from a perspective of what it means t...
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red GIFT One Each of us has a gift. Two Your gift is worth sharing. Three Sharing your gift will be a reward to others and yourself. Maybe you've heard it said before, sharing is caring. However, if that doesn't work for you, know that sharing your gift (your talent) will yield rewards you never imagined. It's true, this follows another axiom that giving is better (or at least) as good as getting. Even children on the playground recognize this (on a basic level) that "When I share, I can make friends. I am doing something nice. I feel good when I share." Still even those of us who understand this positive principle may be reluctant to share, held back by some misunderstanding that only certain kinds of gifts are needed, appreciated and/or rewarded. The Truth is each of us has a gift (note I didn't say special gift), to share whether we are a professional, amateur or simply have a natu ral talent. Tania Miron@ Your gift may be that y...
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OPEN One An open heart liberates you to love. Two Love opens possibilities. Three Loving is being open to possibilities. S ometimes, something happens to cause imbalance. You are hurt. You withdraw. You shut down. You close your heart. Sometimes it can hurt so bad you just want to close the door to pain. I know. Still you must find a way to be open; because when you close your heart, you block the flow of life, light and love. Dance, bake, build, meditate, sing, sculpt, compose, color, paint, pray, travel, teach, film, fish, run a race, walk a labyrinth, write, hug a pet, keep a friend's what you will, just be open to love.
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JOY One J oy awaits you. Two Open to love, in joy Three Ch oose joy. there I've discovered that no matter where you are in life, what stage of life, what's going on in is possible. I've also learned that love, being loving, and opening your heart to love, lets joy in. I've also discovered that joy is possible when you choose joy. Enjoy!