Reach! It's good exercise.
Reach out; extend yourself to and for others.
Reach up into higher consciousness.
I was looking at all the high reaching, architectural design in the city I live, and thought of the "stories" these sky-high creations speak. The thought triggered a trip down memory lane, a long trip (smile). I recalled being in a high school class and the teacher asking us to write about "the stories'' America's big building tell about the city, culture/community or the country. I enjoyed that assignment because we got to write (creatively) and because (I understood) it was a creative way to encourage students to write.
Many years later, I'm inspired by that high school writing exercise (and I still remember that favorite teacher). Today as I look up at those tall, architectural outlines in the sky, the "stories" I read
reach a higher level.
reach a higher level.
I read the stories of skyscrapers from a perspective of what it means to reach from/into the mind, body and spirit to exercise growth. While marveling at the long reach of skyscrapers, I read stories of what happens when we reach out to others. Whether you extend love, kindness, the hand of friendship, financial assistance, information, an invitation or a hug, when you reach out you give and receive the benefit. Similarly, when you reach up (to the heavens) you exercise a form of surrender, gratitude and awareness of higher consciousness. Indeed, whenever you reach, on some level it's an exercise of awakening.
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