

Each of us has a gift.
Your gift is worth sharing.
Sharing your gift will be a reward to others and yourself.

Maybe you've heard it said before, sharing is caring. However, if that doesn't work for you, know that sharing your gift (your talent) will yield rewards you never imagined. It's true, this follows another axiom that giving is better (or at least) as good as getting. Even children on the playground recognize this (on a basic level) that "When I share, I can make friends. I am doing something nice. I feel good when I share." Still even those of us who understand this positive principle may be reluctant to share, held back by some misunderstanding that only certain kinds of gifts are needed, appreciated and/or rewarded. 

The Truth is each of us has a gift (note I didn't say special gift), to share whether we are a professional, amateur or simply have a natural talent.

Tania Miron@

Your gift may be that you are good with children and can share by babysitting for a busy parent, neighbor or family member. Likewise, if you are good at math or writing your gift may be tutoring once week or once a month. Similarly if you knit, crochet or sew, you may share this gift  by making productions for local shelters, children's homes, cancer centers, or other organizations serving the community. Perhaps your gift is tinkering and you have a gift for fixing things, you might post a notice at your place of worship, a senior or community center. Moreover, if you are a professional singer, dancer, musician you may donate your gifts to charity fund-raising or community programs.

The point is what you have is your gift to share. And though it may not be "special" it is Unique because only you can share your gift. That means we each have a gift to share; a talent, an offering, a contribution.


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